TODAY 93 YEARS AGO, Georgette Tsinguirides was born in Stuttgart. The “Grande Dame of the Stuttgart Ballet” worked at the Württemberg State Theatres for over 70 years and notated John Cranko's choreographies for posterity. Long before Cranko's time as director, Tsinguirides was was a member of the Stuttgart ensemble, joining as a young dancer in 1945 and advancing to soloist in 1957. On Cranko's advice, she studied Benesh Movement Notation in London in 1966. Benesh Movement Notation (also known as choreology) is a written system for notating human movements. From then on she recorded on paper what Cranko created in the studio and translated it back for the dancers. In this way, she ensured that Cranko's choreographies are danced true to the original not only at the Stuttgart Ballet, but also at other companies around the world. Tsinguirides received some of the highest orders of the state of Baden-Wurttemberg, among others the golden “Staufermedaille” in 2015. Recognized as well in the world of dance she was honoured with the “German Dance Prize” in 2010 and is an honorary member of the Royal Academy of Dance. In 2017, she retired after an incredible 72 years. Her Benesh Movement Notation scores continue to be used to rehearse ballets and her wonderful personality is unforgotten by numerous generations of dancers. All the best, dear Georgette!
Photo: Georgette Tsinguirides at the award ceremony of the “Staufermedaille” with Reid Anderson, © Stuttgart Ballet
Photo: Georgette Tsinguirides at the award ceremony of the “Staufermedaille” with Reid Anderson, © Stuttgart Ballet