Prices and discounts
The event category depends on the respective performance. Please look for all price categories in our seating plans. You find deviating prices for special events in our recent publications. All prices in Euro.
Deviating weekday box office prices are reserved.
Please note notes on our discounts below. Discounts are excluded from premieres, tours, special events as well as online booking.
Deviating weekday box office prices are reserved.
Please note notes on our discounts below. Discounts are excluded from premieres, tours, special events as well as online booking.
Prices in the Opera House (all €)
Price categories |
A | B | C | D |
E | F | G | H | I | K |
1 | 65,00 | 72,00 | 79,00 | 83,00 | 90,00 | 108,00 | 115,00 | 126,00 | 139,00 | 152,00 |
2 | 56,00 | 62,00 | 68,00 | 71,00 | 77,00 | 93,00 | 99,00 | 108,00 | 119,00 | 128,00 |
3 | 46,00 | 52,00 | 57,00 | 59,00 | 64,00 | 77,00 | 82,00 | 90,00 | 99,00 | 108,00 |
4 | 37,00 | 41,00 | 46,00 | 47,00 | 52,00 | 62,00 | 66,00 | 72,00 | 82,00 | 89,00 |
5 | 30,00 | 33,00 | 36,00 | 38,00 | 41,00 | 49,00 | 53,00 | 58,00 | 66,00 | 69,00 |
6 | 22,50 | 24,50 | 27,00 | 28,50 | 31,00 | 37,00 | 40,00 |
43,00 | 49,00 | 52,00 |
7 | 15,00 | 16,50 | 18,00 | 19,00 | 20,50 | 24,50 | 26,00 | 29,00 | 33,00 | 38,00 |
8 | 8,00 | 8,00 | 8,00 | 8,00 | 14,00 | 16,50 | 17,00 | 18,50 | 20,50 | 22,50 |
9 | 8,00 | 8,00 | 8,00 | 8,00 | 8,00 | 8,00 |
Prices in the Play House (all €)
Price categories | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
1 | 34,00 | 36,00 | 39,00 | 42,00 | 50,00 | 60,00 | 72,00 |
2 | 29,00 | 31,00 | 34,00 | 36,00 | 41,00 | 48,00 | 60,00 |
3 | 24,00 | 26,00 | 29,00 | 31,00 | 32,00 | 36,00 | 48,00 |
4 | 19,00 | 21,00 | 24,00 | 24,00 | 24,00 | 24,00 | 29,00 |
5 | 8,00 | 8,00 | 8,00 | 8,00 | 8,00 | 8,00 | 8,00 |
Children up to the age of 15 in accompanied by an adult are given a discount of 50% in certain price categories.
Students, FSJ, Bundesfreiwilligendienst
School, College and University students as well as persons carrying out civil or military service (up to the age of 30) can purchase tickets at reduced prices (on presentation of a valuable document). During pre-selling in certain price categories and at the evening box office, right before the performance starts, for all seats:
10 € in the Opera House
7 €in the Play House and all other venues
10 € in the Opera House
7 €in the Play House and all other venues
Disabled persons
Severely disabled persons are given a discount of 50% in certain price categories. Their accompanying person (Note »company proofed«) gets free admission.
Please contact +49 (0)711.20 32 9345 or for further information.
Please contact +49 (0)711.20 32 9345 or for further information.
Please bring your identity documents entitling you for discounts with you when attending a performance. At premieres, performances of visitng companies and special events as well as in online-booking, all discounts can be cancelled.